
area structure中文是什么意思

  • 地区结构



  • 例句与用法
  • The sixth chapter analyses area structure in our country
  • Embarking on the conception of investment structure , chapter two demonstrates the area structure and capital source structure of highway investment in our country
  • Describing the area develop theory with developing economics , introducing three main method to divide area in history and changing of area structure adjusting policy
  • In the urbanization process , the research of metropolitan area structure will have the important significance of theory and practice . it will be beneficial to confirm urban developing direction
  • The second chapter describes the history of some countries , including u . s . a , germany , japan and south korea . in this chapter , analyses those countries how to adjust their industry structure and area structure
  • On the basis of analyzing integral and individual competence , present condition of textile industry , combined with the effect on textile industry on trade , production , consumption , investment etc . after china ' s entry into wto , and practice of present strategy management and deficiency , the paper puts forward the integral strategy of structural adjustment and key points for implementation , including strategy for product structure adjustment , technological structure , area structure adjustment and organizational structure adjustment
  • Through the analysis of the basic features and functions of the core region and its hinterland , the article finds the existing issues in the development ; this article also tries to promote the reasonable distribution and communication of various manufacturing factors within urban area , thus it can develops continuously and coordinatively . there are five sections in this article : the first section is introduction , it argues and analyses the conceptions of urban area structure , economic core region , economic hinterland . it also describes the target , meaning and method of topic research
    全文共分五大部分,第一部分是导言,对城市地域结构、经济核心区、经济腹地的概念进行了辨析,阐述了论题研究的目的、意义和方法;第二部分简要介绍了本文写作基于的理论基础?中心-外围理论、区域相互依赖理论、增长极理论,并重点论述了上述理论对本文的启示和指导意义;第三部分论证了城市地域经济核心区的基本特征和功能;第四部分分析了城市地域经济腹地的基本特征及功能;第五部分在分析城市地域经济核心区和经济腹地发展中存在问题的基础上,提出了经济核心区与腹地协调发展战略及相应对策(均以济南市为例) 。
  • It puts up quantitative analysis on the otherness of area structure in highway investment by means of anova analysis and rank test of non - parametric test in order to find out whether the extent of the otherness change . by means of cluster analysis chapter two demonstrates on the capital source structure of highway investment from 1991 in order to reflect on the change of capital source structure
  • Many subjects " theories and methods have been used in this article such as land economics , area and urban economics , the urban planning study . on one hand , this article have researched deeply about historical development and current characteristic , expanding outwards , and recombining inwards , mechanism of metropolitan area structure . on the other hand , the article have made a special research about residential land , industrial land , commercial land , business district of dalian . on this basis , propose development model and schemes of optimizing about metropolitan area structure of the city of dalian
  • 2 , positive study mainly on the situation of the human resources allocation in west china . the result demonstrates : ( 1 ) the quantity supply of human resources in west china is a serious oversupply ; ( 2 ) the quality is universally low ; ( 3 ) the allocation o employment structure , the areas structure and the professions structure are not rational
    第二章主要分析了西部地区人力资源配置的基本态势。研究结果表明: ( 1 )西部地区人力资源数量供求上存在着严重的供大于求;质量方面普遍偏低,人力资本积累不足,层次结构也不合理; ( 3 )人力资源的就业结构、区域结构和职业结构等配青均不合理。
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